How are we going to explore the Moon and Mars? What imaginaries have been created by artists to live away from our planetary home? Are humans a “space race”? During the conference, we will reflect on these questions by discussing our shared futures in space. With reference to the ambiguity and complexities of the English word “race”, we will examine the relationship of humans with the Moon and Mars as places of conflict and desire for the extension of our natural boundaries as one of Earth’s species.
The Space Race Conference will engage an interdisciplinary group of artists, thinkers and space professionals through the presentation of current positions concerning the future of humanity in other celestial bodies. With a mix of lectures, panel discussions and live performances, we will address the present and future challenges of human activities on Earth, the Moon and Mars.
This online conference is organised by SPARTH and the KOSMICA Institute in collaboration with the Archenhold-Sternwarte / Stiftung Planetarium Berlin. The project is part of the event series "The Sky was the Limit – Art and Astronomy at the Archenhold Observatory". Funded by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. The conference will be held in English.
Full Programme & Schedule: https://theskywasthelimit.de/en/program/sparth-kosmica-institute/